
Everything related to DevOps and the cloud.

Microsoft Azure – Explore Policy

Azure Policy keeps track of compliance for your Azure resources based on policy definitions you assign. In this blog post we will cover the fundamentals.

Microsoft Azure – Application Security Groups

Application Security Groups (ASG) provide a mechanism to simplify networking rules of your Virtual Machines (VM) by logically grouping them rather than managing them using their explicit IP addresses and subnets.

Azure DevOps – Pipeline Security Tools (DevSecOps)

With everyone moving to a DevOps and Agile mentality, it is more important then ever to implement security checks and scans into your DevOps pipelines. In this post I will go through several tools and scenarios which I have tested and used.

Microsoft Azure – Security Center Just-in-time Deep Dive

Just-in-time (JIT) is used to secure inbound traffic to your Azure Virtual Machines, reducing exposure to attacks while providing an easy to use mechanism to connect to Virtual Machines (VM) when required